Neighbourhood Plan

The following are the Approved Neighbourhood Plan and supplementary documentation

The Plan be used by the RBC Planners to assess planning applications, but also the Community will be entitled to a minimum 25% of CIL income to spend on community infrastructure projects (CIL, the Community Infrastructure Levy, is a levy that developers in our area must pay to RBC if they get planning permission for a project).

(The following documentation is also available at Neighbourhood planning – Runnymede Borough Council. )

We can also try and answer any questions if you e mail [email protected] 

1) Neighbourhood Plan

The Approved Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed here . The Area covered by the Plan can be viewed here

2) History: This research into the history of the Area helps us understand how, when and where the Area developed, and the importance of preserving and enhancing our heritage through the use of design codes and planning policies. As such it provides background and can be referenced to help define the purpose of one or more Neighbourhood Plan Policies if misinterpreted.

The report, which is now an advisory to the Approved Plan can be accessed here

3) Demography

In order to understand our population mix and how it might affect our Area’s needs in respect of housing and amenities, we have undertaken a demographic survey of the Area based on published statistics. As such it provides background and can be referenced to help define the purpose of one or more Neighbourhood Plan Policies if misinterpreted.

The report, which is now an advisory to the Approved Plan can be accessed here

4) Design Codes

Design codes have been produced to guide developers and householders wishing to alter their properties so that the design of new developments and alterations are in keeping with their surroundings. This is an important reference document that Developers will need to adhere to or have very good reason not to.

The resulting report which is now an advisory to the Approved Plan can be accessed here

5) Cycling Survey

A survey was conducted by Runnymede Borough Council asking residents their views on Cycling and walking in the Borough.

Information relating to our Area has been extracted and the resulting report which is now an advisory to the Approved Plan can be accessed here

6) Questionnaire Report

Residents and Business Questionnaires were conducted from July 2020 to early June 2021. The Neighbourhood Plan and ancillary documents were based as much as possible, (within the limits imposed on Neighbourhood Planning rules), upon the wishes of residents reflected in the responses to the Questionnaires.

The results of the residents and business questionnaire can be accessed here

7) Placemaking

Think of Placemaking as a similar process to turning a house into a home. Residents need to identify with and be proud to live in a place, and businesses need to want to be there. We have attempted to address the problems facing a modern Englefield Green, and suggest solutions that improve the physical infrastructure and address the deficiencies in amenities that would, we hope, go a long way to creating a better and more viable village.

The proposals need further development and adjustment, but they are intended to stimulate further discussion and to act as a basis to move forward with improving our villages and surroundings to the advantage of residents.

The resulting report which is now an advisory to the Approved Plan can be accessed here

8) Ecology Report

Responding via the Questionnaire, Residents expressed a strong desire to preserve and where possible enhance the Ecology of the Area. We therefore commissioned Surrey Wildlife Trust to report on the Ecology of the Area and the opportunities for improvement. The report contains recommendations for improving our environment and the ecology of our Area.

The report which is now an advisory to the Approved Plan can be accessed here

9) Housing Audit

The Housing Audit is a summary of the types and styles of buildings in subdivisions of our Area. It has assisted in guiding the provisions of the Design Codes.

During the second half of 2020, the Steering Committee conducted a photographic Survey of every street in our Area, recording where the photographs were taken on maps. This created a record of the type, style and architecture of the buildings in our Area, and provided the basis for the Housing Audit.

The Housing Audit report can be accessed here

10) Communications Statement

This is a record of the communications we have had with Residents, RHUL, and Businesses throughout the Plan preparation period.

(The record of communications in respect of Regulation 14 consultation (appendix 4 of this document) can also be found in item (16) below)

The statement can be accessed here

11) Listed, Locally Listed, Monuments, and Non-Designated Heritage Assets (NDHA’s)

These lists have been updated, and are now included in the History Report

Following discussions with RBC it was agreed that the proposed NDHA list would be reviewed by an independent consultant appointed by and paid for by RBC, and a revised NDHA list would be based on their recommendations as an addendum to the Plan. Consequently the list represents a proposal by the Neighbourhood Forum Steering Committee, is no longer included in the Plan, and the Plan documentation reflects this arrangement. However, it forms a record of buildings that contribute to the character of our Area, and as such is a valuable reference document.

The detailed NDHA survey document ( which is pending as noted above) can be accessed here

12) Vistas and Views

Some of the views from various points around the Area contribute significantly to our enjoyment of the Area and are therefore worth preserving.

The report, which has mainly been incorporated in the Approved Plan can be accessed here

13) Masterplans

Runnymede Borough Council allocated a site for 100 housing units at Wick Road in the 2015/30 Local Plan, and are currently considering including the Kingswood Hall site on Coopers Hill Road in the 2025/2040 Plan. Rather than wait to have proposals for these sites put upon us, we commissioned AECOM to look at the sites, consider our Design Codes and other aspects of our emerging Neighbourhood Plan, and propose schemes that conform with our objectives.

The report which is now an advisory to the Approved Plan and referred to in the Plan can be accessed here

14) Report on Englefield Green Centre Development

Following on from our Placemaking Report, we commissioned I-Transport, a company expert in remodelling town centres, to undertake a desk study to review our preliminary proposals in respect of the central area of Englefield Green, to ensure their conformity with Highway design best practice and our requirement that they assist in reducing speed and to discourage through traffic, and to provide budget costs. (they were not required to identify any physical restraints as this was a theoretical study to establish feasibility ‘in principal’ )

The report can be found here

15) SEA/HRA Assessment

Runnymede Borough Council conducted a screening exercise to determine whether any Strategic Environmental Assessment or Habitats Regulations Assessment is required and came to the view that a SEA/HRA assessment was not necessary. The final screening determination can be viewed here.

16) Responses to Regulation 14 consultation

The Residents, Local Business, and Statutory Authorities consultation in accordance with Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 took place between the 12th September and the 6th November 2022. Comments were received from residents, businesses and some Statutory Authorities. These were gathered together on spreadsheets along with responses from ourselves and any resultant changes to any of the documentation.

These spreadsheets can be accessed below:

For the Residents and Business comments and responses, access here

For Surrey County Council comments and responses, access here

For Runnymede Borough Council comments and responses, access here

For Surrey Wildlife Trust, Historic England, and National Trust responses, access here

17) Basic Conditions Statement

The Basic Conditions Statement submitted for Reg 16 consultation can be viewed here

18) Summary of representations (Reg 16)

Residents were invited to make representations to the Independent Examiner in relation to the proposed Neighbourhood Plan. (The Forum Steering Committee were not allowed to comment on these submissions unless specifically asked to by the Examiner). A summary of these representations can be found here

19) Examiners Report

Taking into account the representations in (18) above, and answers to questions he put to the Forum Steering Committee, the Examiner produced a report with recommended changes in wording and content. This report can be found here

20) Final Decision Statement

On receipt of the report, Runnymede Borough Council agreed to accept all of the recommendations contained therein and altered the Neighbourhood Plan to incorporate them. This was known as the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum version. The Final Decision Statement can be seen here

21) Referendum result

The result of the Referendum can be seen here

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