The Englefield Green Neighbourhood Forum is you– the residents and businesses within the Forum Area (see map below)
The Steering Committee is a group of volunteers whose job it is to actively engage the Forum in seeking ideas, coordinate those ideas and comments, undertake research, employ experts where advise is necessary, and carry the Neighbourhood Plan from inception through to completion. They will be assisted in this process in matters of Planning Policy, by the Planning department of Runnymede Borough Council (RBC)
You can formally join the Forum, in which case you will be entitled to vote at Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings .
Or you can simply let us know your ideas for the area.
Either way, you can contact us by filling in the form in the Contact Section, emailing us at [email protected] or putting a note in the EGVRA post box at the Village Centre, Victoria Street, Englefield Green
Who is on the Steering Committee?
Mike Kelly- Chairman
Terry Barnett—Vice Chair
Frederick West—Treasurer
Jane Snell— Secretary
Kylie Hargreaves
Mickey Lamb
Alan Sloan
Nigel Davies
Barbara Gallagher
Christine Welsh
Rob Buick
Erik Juul-Mortensen
Debi Hallett
The Steering Committee is re-elected at the AGM, which is held at the beginning of each financial year.
Nevertheless, we are always looking for and will welcome people who are prepared to join the Committee and assist.