Once you have Registered it would be fantastic if you could volunteer to assist the Steering Committee to complete the tasks necessary to formulate the Draft Plan.
We understand fully the everyone leads a busy life and we can tailor involvement to match the time you have available.
Also, none of us have in depth experience of the Planning Process unless Planning has been our job or career. All of us however bring skills and experience of one sort or another to the table and therefore everyone has something to offer.
Jobs like leaflet distribution, helping set up displays, researching the history or the demographics of the Area, going around talking to and getting opinions of organistations and businesses in the Area, surveying our trees, surveying traffic and parking are all tasks that will need to be carried out if we are to devise a well informed Plan.
If you have the time you may wish to volunteer for the Steering Committee. Click Steering Committee for more details.
A pivotal group within the Steering Committee is the Communications Team. Assistance for this group is always need needed. Click Communications Team for more details.
In the near future, we will need to form a subgroup of the Steering Committee to Draft the Plan. Assistance will be needed. Click Drafting Team for more details. The skills and experience noted are particulary relevant to this team.