How your ideas may shape the future of our Neighbourhood?

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) provides a framework for planning rules and regulations in the UK, and the Runnymede Borough Local Plan (RBLP) complies with the NPPF and provides, in addition, policies that are specifically for the Runnymede Borough. Our Neighbourhood is an area within Runnymede Borough. 

Policies are basically rules that must be followed in executing any mainly physical changes to the borough. These Policies range across all activities in the Borough, from Town Centre development to where single houses can be built, where Green areas will be to the protection of Ancient Monuments, and so on. 

Our Neighbourhood Plan must be aligned with the NPPF and the RBPL .

Much has therefore been decided at National or Borough Level, but that does not stop us from seeking to define how we want our Neighbourhood to develop over a whole range of aspects.

Some of these ideas will lead to the formulation of Policies, which will usually (but not always) complement, clarify, restrict or expand existing NPPF/RBPL policies. These policies will, for example, have to be taken into account by Developers wishing to undertake building projects in our Neighbourhood.

Other ideas may be to do with the infrastructure of our Neighbourhood; Road junctions that need improving, parking improvements, public play area improvements- in other words, things for which public funds would normally be needed. 

When a development is permitted, the Developer is obliged by law to pay into a fund for improvement to public services, and we, once our Plan is in place, are entitled to a proportion of that fund for improvements to our Neighbourhood. So by looking also at Infrastructure ideas, not only will we be setting down a marker in the Plan for these improvements and trying to persuade Government to pay for them, but we could also in due time have funds of our own to implement some of them.

So it is well worth you thinking not only about what those things we can create Policies for, but also those facilities and changes that could make our Neighbourhood better, more cohesive, and a pleasanter place to live and / or work.

On the My thoughts and ideas page, we have listed some questions that we hope will stimulate your thoughts. This is by no means a comprehensive list as the whole point is to get you to tell us, the Steering Committee, what you think and to tap into your knowledge of your part of our Neighbourhood.

But, if you already know what you want to tell us, go straight to the Contacts page 

Its simple to do and it will help to shape the future of our Neighbourhood!