Latest News

We will try to update this news monthly!

The projects we refer to on this page are detailed on the Projects page.

As of 8th November 2024;

We have hasd a few set backs in the last few months, what with our website being hacked and taking 6 months to recover, and progress of some matters taking a step back rather than forward. the bureaucracy in trying to get anything done is frustrating at a minimum and downright obstructive at times. Finance is also a big break on most things. However, some things are moving forward slowly, so its not all bad!

  1. We formed a Community Interest Company, EG Community Projects CIC earlier in the year, in order to carry out projects and continue the business of the Forum. we are grateful to Surrey CC for providing £500 of funds to cover ongoing expenses such as hiring meeting rooms etc.
  2. We thought we had a good deal going when we reached agreement with Surrey CC in March for them to install and maintain for 3 years at their expense 100 lm of windbreak (basically a hedge) along the top of Bond Street. Residents along the route were approached and were enthusiastic. It fitted with the recommendations of the Surrey Wildlife Trust, the Placemaking Report, and was an area identified as a planting area by Surrey CC tree Planting and Strategy Manager. However, Runnymede Borough Council had other ideas and refused to allow their land to be used, despite their own approved Ecology guidelines. We are working with the Council and hope to get back on track shortly, but we have lost the opportunity to plant this year.
  3. Our study of the Parking situation in the centre of EG is ongoing, with an initial report being prepared to give to Surrey CC this month. The process is long and slow, and even when a way forward is approved by Surrey Highways, finding and building the funding required for any alterations takes time.
  4. We have had some success with Speed Limits- Surrey CC now have Englefield Green on their list for action, which involves a study, estimating costs and including it in a budget. We hope to be consulted further, but our recommendations are in the Placemaking Report, which we know they have a copy of.
  5. We had identified a source of funding for the Transport Hub, but the land is part of Surrey Highways, and they currently will not allow anyone other than themselves to work on it. Consequently the funding is no longer secure, though we are hoping to resolve matters with them in the near future.