Privacy Policy

1.0 Introduction

1.1    On the 25th May 2018, a new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect, replacing the previous Data Protection Act.  The legislation allows the Steering Committee of the Englefield Green Village Neighbourhood Forum [referred to as ‘we’ or ‘us’ hereafter] to collect and process personal data on behalf of the Neighbourhood Forum (The Forum) if:

  • we have your consent to hold your personal data
  • we can demonstrate that the holding of such data is in the legitimate interest of The Forum

To satisfy this requirement, this Privacy Policy has been adopted by us and the Forum.

2.0 Information We Collect

2.1    You will be asked for your Name, Address, telephone number and e mail address when communicating with us for the first time. The main purpose of this is to ensure that you are either a resident or a worker in the Neighbourhood Area and that your views and opinions can therefore be legitimately taken into account when we formulate the Neighbourhood Plan, and/ or that you can legitimately join the Forum.

2.2 The Forum Registration Form, Questionnaires, and other Forms, instigated by us that you may be requested or volunteer to complete and submit (collectively or separately referred to hereafter as ‘The Form’) are all subject to this Privacy Policy. The Form will normally contain a privacy tick box.

2.3 By ticking the privacy tick box on The Form you confirm you have read, understood and accepted this Privacy Policy and agree to us using the above personal data in whole or in part for purposes only in connection with the administration of the Forum. This will include:  

  1. communicating with you by either email or telephone or post.
  2. Retaining all information given by you to us via The Form or any other communication submitted to us by you.

2.3a E mails and other forms of communication instigated by us that request a response from you will contain a link to this privacy form and by responding to us you confirm you have read, understood and accepted this Privacy Policy.

2.3b Where e mails and other forms of communication are not instigated by us and are voluntarily submitted to us by you, and for any response we may make to you, this Privacy Policy will apply.

2.4    Others: During the normal course of Forum business, other stakeholders and individuals will either contact us or be contacted by the us.  All such contact information, being normally name, email address and/or telephone number will be retained.

3.0    How We Use Your Information

We use the information to communicate with you and to demonstrate that you are either a Resident or Worker in the Neighbourhood Area

3.1    Email addresses

The preferred choice of communication is by email.  We believe that the most probable risk of personal data loss relates to the careless use of email addresses and/or hacking by third parties.  To minimise this risk, we have agreed that all general distribution emails originated by us will be emailed as blind copies (bcc).

3.2    Cookies

The Forum website makes use of essential Cookies.  Neither us nor the hosts of this website records usage and does not undertake any analysis of website usage involving personal data.

4    How We Share Your Information.

4.1        Your name, address, phone number and e mail are listed and kept by the Forum Steering Committee Secretary, your ideas and communications with us are kept and used by us to help formulate the Neighbourhood Plan and your contact details are used to contact you when necessary.

4.2 If we are requested to provide your details by Examiners legally entitled to review the Plan ( for the purpose of demonstrating that the views and opinions upon which the Plan is based are of Residents and Workers in the Neighbourhood Area) we will first contact you and give you the opportunity to withhold your details. The Examiners will be subject to this Privacy Notice if such a request is made and permitted.

4.1   With the exception of the circumstances noted in 4.2 above, no personal data will ever be given to third parties. In the event of such a request being made, it will be referred back to you and only acted upon with your written permission.

4.2    How We Store your information

Forum records are kept in two formats, as original hardcopy (if provided by you) and digitally.

4.3    Hardcopy format

All forms and related records are held by the Secretary of the Forum Steering Committee.

4.4    Digital format

4.4.1  Excel spreadsheets, which contain all of the your personal data and any responses that you have made to requests for information and opinions.

Your responses are analyzed to group ideas and comments. Individual names and personal details will not be used in any analysis. Where necessary in the analysis, ideas and comments may be assigned to your street.

4.4.2    Email exchanges

Records of all email exchanges are retained.

Your responses are analyzed to group ideas and comments. Individual names and personal details will not be used in any analysis. Where necessary in the analysis, ideas and comments may be assigned to your street.

5.0    Length of Retention

All personal data will be retained until such time as the Neighbourhood Plan has been approved by the Forum, Runnymede Borough Council and the Planning Inspector, or for as long beyond that time as may be considered necessary to validate the Plan.

5.1   Back up of Digital records

The Excel spreadsheet (Item 4.4.1 above) is backed up regularly.

6.0    Change of Personal Data

If you wish to view the information we hold relating to you or to have your personal data either updated or deleted, you should contact us by email at [email protected]