The Steering Committee has been undertaking a number of research projects:
1) Policy Maps; In order to understand what restraints and what regulations and policies already cover our Area under the RBC Local Plan 2015-2030 we produced the following maps that we hope will help you (and us) understand some of the restraints and opportunities in the RBC Runnymede Plan, which, in the hierarchy, is above ours, and therefore will restrain, be expanded upon or inform our own Plan.
The maps are coloured up to more easily read them. They were produced at the beginning of 2020, whilst the RBC 2015-2030 Plan was still under completion, and therefore may not be entirely accurate or up to date. we have left them on the website for general information purposes, and are not part of the evidence base for our emerging Neighbourhood Plan.
Click on the links below to see each map;
Sites of Special Scientific Interest
Sites of Nature Conservation Interest
Biodiversity Opportunity Areas
2) History: We have researched the history of the Area which has helped us understand how, when and where the Area developed, and the importance of preserving and enhancing our heritage through the use of design codes and planning policies.
The resulting report can be accessed here
3) Demography
In order to understand our population mix and how it might affect our Area’s needs in respect of housing and amenities, we have undertaken a demographic survey of the Area based on published statistics.
The resulting report can be accessed here
4) Design Codes
Design codes have been produced to guide developers and householders wishing to alter their properties so that the design of new developments are in keeping with their surroundings.
The resulting report can be accessed here
5) Cycling Survey
The following is a survey taken by SCC relating to our area.
The resulting report can be accessed here
6) Questionnaire Report
Residents and Business questionnaires were conducted from July 2020 to early June 2021. The results of the residents and business questionnaire, conducted online, can be accessed here
7) Placemaking
Think of Placemaking as a similar process to turning a house into a home. Residents need to identify with and be proud to live in a place, and businesses need to want to be there. We have attempted to address the problems facing a modern Englefield Green, and suggest solutions that improve the physical infrastructure and address the deficiencies in amenities that would, we hope, go a long way to creating a better and more viable village.
The Placemaking report can be accessed here
8) Ecology Report
Responding via the Questionnaire, Residents expressed a strong desire to preserve and where possible enhance the Ecology of the Area. we therefore commissioned Surrey Wildlife Trust to report on the Ecology of the Area and the opportunities for improvement.
The Ecology report can be accessed here
9) Housing Audit
The Housing Audit is a summary of the types and styles of buildings in subdivisions of our Area. It has assisted in guiding the provisions of the Design Codes.
During the second half of 2020, the Steering Committee conducted a photographic Survey of every street in our Area, recording where the photographs were taken on maps. This created a record of the type, style and architecture of the buildings in our Area, and provided the basis for the Housing Audit.
The Housing Audit can be accessed here
10) Communications Statement
This is a record of the communications we have had with Residents, RHUL, and Businesses throughout the Plan preparation period.
It can be accessed here
11) Listed, Locally Listed, Monuments, and Non-Designated Heritage Assets (NDHA’s)
These lists have been updated, and a list of NDHA’s compiled. They can be accessed here
In addition, a more detailed analysis of the NDHA list can be accessed here
12) Vistas and Views
Some of the views from various points around the Area contribute significantly to our enjoyment of the Area and are therefore worth preserving.
Our Views report can be accessed here
13) Masterplans
Runnymede Borough Council allocated a site for 100 housing units at Wick Road in the 2015/30 Local Plan, and are currently considering including the Kingswood Hall site on Coopers Hill Road in the 2025/2040 Plan. Rather than wait to have proposals for these sites put upon us, we commissioned AECOM to look at the sites, consider our Design Codes and other aspects of our emerging Neighbourhood Plan, and propose schemes that conform with our objectives. the resulting report can be found here.